Mad Hackers Tee Party
Couples Chapman Tournament
DATE: Saturday, August 17 – 2024
START TIME: 1:00 PM Shotgun
LOCATION: Seaforth Golf Course
ENTRY FEE: (prices listed are for the team and include tax)
Seaforth Golf Club Members
– $125.00 walking/$155.00 riding inc. tax
– $180.00 walking/$210.00 riding inc. tax
FORMAT: 2-Person Chapman Fomat
Each player hits their tee shot, they then switch balls for their second shot. They then choose the ball they wish to finish the hole with and play alternate shot from there into the hole. Same format on all holes including the par 3’s.
ADDITIONAL RULES: Men play the Blue Tees (5824 yards), but men 55 & older with a handicap of 15 or higher may play the WHITE Tees (5389 yards). Ladies play RED tees (5131 yards), but ladies 65 & older with a handicap of 15 or higher may play the YELLOW tees (4563 yards).
To download the tournament poster – click here!
Team Entries Include
- 18-holes of golf in the tournament format
- Complimentary Practice Round (prior to tournament date)
- Complimentary Snacks at registration
- Range Balls & practice facility access the morning of tournament
- Delicious Dinner
- Chance to win Prizes
To enter a team email or call the pro-shop at 519-522-0985
Practice Rounds must be played prior to tournament date and the tournament entry must be paid in full prior to playing your practice round.